1990 Holistic Health Associations Resource List ----------------------------------------------- ***ASSOCIATIONS*** American Association of Naturopathic Physicians PO Box 20386 Seatle WA 98102 (206) 323-7610 Established in 1985 to bring together members of licensable state naturopathic professional organizations, create a national accrediting agency for naturopathic eductaional institutions, establish national stndard licensing exams for graduates of naturopathic colleges, expand the number of states that license naturopathic physicians and promote awareness and availability of insurance for natural-health-care services. Conferences, networking, newsletter and referral service. American Association of Professional Hupnotherapists PO Box 731 McLean VA 22101 (703) 631-1810 Encourages study and professional use of hypnosis for mind-body healing and general well-being. Membership open to hypnotherapists, health and mental-health practitioners, educators, alternative health professionals, and religious counselers. Offers newsletter, directory, referral system. American Herb Association PO Box 99 Rescue CA 95672 Offers information and research on herbal produts. Publishes annual directories of mail-order herb sources. American Massage Therapy Association 1130 W. North Shore Ave Chicago, IL 60626 (312) 761-AMTA Promotes therapeutic massage through public referals and informational services. Membership benefits of this association (established in 1943) include conferences, insurance, newsletter, legal counselk, and certification program. American Natural Hygiene Society PO Box 20630 Tampa FL 33630 (813) 855-6607 Promotes wellness as a way of life dictated by nature, incorporating natural foods, proper rest, and exercise. The society sponsers an annual international natural-living conference, hosts international speakers, and publishes a bimonthly magazine. Associated Professional Massage Therapists 1746 Cole Blvd. SUite 225 Golden, CO 80401-3210 (303) 526-1740 INternational membership organization of professional bodyworkers from such fields as polarity therapy, shiatsu, and massage. Professional liability insurance for members. Promotes public education, provides information and referrals, and publishes newsletter and membership directory. Association for Humanistic Psychology 1772 Dallej st. San Francisco CA 94123 (415) 346-7929 Worldwide network exploring personal growth, human potential and holistic health. Publishes a newsletter and a quarterly journal and offers workshops and conferences on such topics as self-healing, optimal health, conflict resolution, therapeutic bodywork, and spirituality. Dr. Edward Bach Healing Society 644 Merrick Rd. Lynbrook, NY 11563 (516) 593-2206 National networking, newsletter, and referral service for those interested in flower essence therapy. Coalition for Alternatives in Nutrition and Healthcare PO Box B-12 Richlandtown PA 18955 (215) 346-8461 Educates the public and legislatures in nutrition and holistic health care. Through lobbying, public awareness presentations, and publications, promotes the enactment of a Health Care Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution and a similar amendment to each state's constitution which would provide legal protection for all alternative health-care practitioners and their patients. Newsletter published quarterly. Feldenkrais Guild PO Box 11145 San Francisco CA 94101 (415) 550-8708 Provides information on practitioners, techniques and training programs in Feldenkrais method of bodywork. Holistic Dental Association 974 N. 21st St. Newark, OH 43055 (614) 366-3309 Open to all members of the dentistry profession - dentists, hypnotists, dental staff members - as well as to anyone else interested the HDA encourages a broader view of dentistry. HDA will provide a list of holistic dentists nationwide. They also produce a newsletter. International Association of Holistic-Health Practitioners 3419 Thom Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 873-4542 Public education and research. Quarterly seminars on mental, spritual and physical health. Home study courses available. INternationnal Cjiropractors Association 1110 North Glebe Rd., Suite 1000 Arlington VA 22201 (703) 528-5000 Dedicated to fostering the growth and eductaion of chiropractors. Provides information and referrals. A professional organization, established in 1926. INternational Foundation for Homeopathy 2366 Eastlake Ave. E, Suite 301 Seattle, Wa 98102 (206) 324-8230 Emphasizes teaching the benefits of homeopathy to the health professional and the layperson. Offers related literature, research, seminars and a bimonthly newsletter. International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association 4110 Edgeland Suite 800 Royal Oak MI 48073-2251 (313) 549-5594 Professional organization promotes the use of hypnotherapy as a tool for reducing stress, relieving pain, and maintaining health. International referrals, seminars, networking and newsletter. National Center for Homeopathy 1500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 42 Washington DC 20005 (202) 223-6182 Fosters and promotes homeopathy through public education. Offers literature, directory of practitioners, speakers bureau, research library, annual conferences, and summer-school classes. #30